A|vailable now!
Tucson from the JES/Killian AZ Shilohs litter (AKA RED) is available for adoption. Sadly his pre chosen prospective home has experienced some sudden unforeseen problems, and it was decided not to send him there. Red was one of just two dogs chosen for SD potential. This is the type of temperament that will bond very strongly with their owner and family, not being as interested in strangers..not the "social butterfly, who needs everyones attention but more of a "very loyal family companion."
He is a fairly confident pup , a bit unsure initally in a new environment, but did investigate his surroundings ran and played "catch me" with the tester. He has a sense of humor!! He is a thinker, very smart, fastest through the maze in 7 seconds. He has play drive and loves to "tug" on the toy, fun loving ,and should be very easy to train. He rates a 5 for submission and a 9-10 for pain tolerance. This places him in the upper med to med hard range. This guy will need a job to do to channel some energy, would be a great agility or obedience prospect. He could use a little noise desensitization..which he is getting every day here!! I can drop pots and pans in front of him w/o him blinking, but in a totally new environment (LER TESTING) he startled to a loud sound, alerted to the direction, did not run away but did attempt to investigate the source of the sound.
He is a fairly confident pup , a bit unsure initally in a new environment, but did investigate his surroundings ran and played "catch me" with the tester. He has a sense of humor!! He is a thinker, very smart, fastest through the maze in 7 seconds. He has play drive and loves to "tug" on the toy, fun loving ,and should be very easy to train. He rates a 5 for submission and a 9-10 for pain tolerance. This places him in the upper med to med hard range. This guy will need a job to do to channel some energy, would be a great agility or obedience prospect. He could use a little noise desensitization..which he is getting every day here!! I can drop pots and pans in front of him w/o him blinking, but in a totally new environment (LER TESTING) he startled to a loud sound, alerted to the direction, did not run away but did attempt to investigate the source of the sound.
He needs a confident owner to build trust. Our local trainer who specializes in SD training was very impressed with " his energy", the way he interacted with her and with other pups, he was "respectful" with the other pups, not as "rough and rowdy"--will let up instantly when another pup yelps. She called him a "stable co- dependant pup", which makes him PERFECT for SD work. He will need a confident owner who sets rules and boundaries and structure, and makes sure he gets his exercise. This is not the couch potato dog, he will like to go and do things , play with his new family. This guy will be FUN!
RED was our "pick" pet up boy. He has great shoulder layback and stifle and moves beautifully, a saber tail, and he appears to have some of the HOBO markings, as JES does carry that recessive. He does have Killian's topline (slightly high) and med to large ears . I like his bone and his leg length, he will be BIG . I would LOVE to place him in a potential showing home, and re-evaluate him in a year providing he passes all the health testing. He would be the ONLY JES male for our breeding pool. I REALLY like this guy!!
RED was our "pick" pet up boy. He has great shoulder layback and stifle and moves beautifully, a saber tail, and he appears to have some of the HOBO markings, as JES does carry that recessive. He does have Killian's topline (slightly high) and med to large ears . I like his bone and his leg length, he will be BIG . I would LOVE to place him in a potential showing home, and re-evaluate him in a year providing he passes all the health testing. He would be the ONLY JES male for our breeding pool. I REALLY like this guy!!